Avast Security For Mac Chrome

Avast Security For Mac Chrome

Avast Security For Mac Chrome 3,5/5 8124 reviews

Avast Secure Browser was released in April 2018 and is a direct successor of the old. Best free cleaning tool for mac. It’s based on a Chromium engine (like Google Chrome) and focuses on three main areas – speed, privacy, and security. At the moment it is available only for Windows operating system, including Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and of course the latest 10.

You can use it independently whether you have or haven’t Avast Antivirus installed. You probably wonder why you should switch from your current browser to Avast Secure Browser. The best argument is probably the speed, everyone loves the super fast browsing experience. According to Avast, web pages in Secure Browser are loaded up to 4x faster than in other popular browsers (like Chrome or Firefox). However, in our testing, we have revealed that is true only for resource-heavy sites with ads and/or flash elements. On the other hand, you will hardly find any site which wouldn’t have ads (even Google Search has them).

Level of security and privacy is definitely higher than in any standard (clean) browser. With Avast Secure Browser you will get Bank Mode, Anti-Phishing, Anti-Tracking, Anti-Fingerprinting and HTTPS encryption. Some other features like Stealth Mode or Privacy Cleaner look just like re-named features of Chrome (Incognito Mode and Clear Browsing Data). Avast Secure Browser Features Overview Avast Secure Browser offers many on-top features compared to popular browsers like Chrome or Firefox. The best thing is they are all present at one simple page with the detailed explanation and toggle to turn on/off each of them.

How to improve Google Chrome’s Security 1. Avast Online Security. Let’s start off with Avast Online Security.This extension focuses on your browsing security by preventing phishing attacks, making sure you don’t end up on fake websites by auto-correcting mistakes in URLs. Avast Online Security is a free browser plugin from Avast (view in Chrome Web Store). It is available for all major browsers – Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari. It is available for all major browsers – Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, and Safari.


What are they and what they are doing? • Integration with Avast – Browser is sort of integrated with, and Avast Passwords, so you can scan your computer or connect to VPN server. • Bank Mode – Very popular feature which was available also in the outdated. Opens an isolated session for banking and shopping online where no one can steal (for example using keylogger) your personal data.

Avast Secure Browser – Video Downloader • Adblock – By default browser has installed and enabled the popular extension for blocking all website ads. • Flash Blocker – Automatically blocks any Flash technology from running. Flash is outdated, slow and vulnerable. • Anti-Fingerprinting – Hides real information about your browser (version, extensions, etc.), so no one can identify you or track you. • Anti-Phishing – Blocks dangerous websites and files before you even visit/download them. • Anti-Tracking – Sets Do Not Track settings to tell websites to don’t collect information about your visit. This is also available in Chrome (Settings » Privacy and security » Send a “Do Not Track” request with your browsing traffic), but by default it’s disabled.

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