Shortcut For Increasing Indent In Word Mac

Shortcut For Increasing Indent In Word Mac

Shortcut For Increasing Indent In Word Mac 4,5/5 7380 reviews

For PowerPoint for Mac, the keyboard shortcut is the same; you don’t need to substitute CMD. Zoom Press and hold the Ctrl key while using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out in the editor. Apr 23, 2006 - For bulleted lists, I used to be able to hit Tab to increase indent and create a 'sub'-list. But now, it doesn't work anymore. How do I fix this to.

Shortcut For Increasing Indent In Word Mac

Frequently Used Shortcuts ⌘+ Z or Ctrl+ Z Undo the last action ⌘+ X or Ctrl+ X Cut selected text or graphics ⌘+ C or Ctrl+ C Copy selected text or graphics to the Clipboard ⌘+ V or Ctrl+ V Paste the Clipboard contents Option+ ⌘+ G Choose the Go To command (Edit menu) Option+ ⌘+ L Open the Spelling and Grammar dialog box F8 Extend a selection ⌘+ ` (Grave accent) Go to the next window ⌘+ Shift+ S Choose the Save As command (File menu).

I'm not sure this is a bug. TAB has been used in tables in Word (Mac and Win) for a long time to move to the next cell, even if cursor is in a list. Just tested TextEdit, and TAB moves to the next cell, unless the cursor is in a list. Then it increases the indent. Couldn't find a keystroke to move to the next cell if you in a list in a cell. Zip software for mac and windows. Seems like I remember CTRL-TAB used to do this, but it doesn't now.

So, for Evernote, maybe a good design is for TAB to indent if in a list, and CTRL-TAB to move to the next cell. Your thoughts? I'm not sure this is a bug. TAB has been used in tables in Word (Mac and Win) for a long time to move to the next cell, even if cursor is in a list. Just tested TextEdit, and TAB moves to the next cell, unless the cursor is in a list. Then it increases the indent. Couldn't find a keystroke to move to the next cell if you in a list in a cell.

Seems like I remember CTRL-TAB used to do this, but it doesn't now. So, for Evernote, maybe a good design is for TAB to indent if in a list, and CTRL-TAB to move to the next cell. Your thoughts?

This is a bug because the behavior is not as declared by Evernote itself, just check (in the Mac OS X version) the menu 'Format > Lists > Increase/Decrease List Level' and you can realize how the keyboard shortcuts suggested there are plain wrong. That's because the behavior of the kb shortcuts has changed in (one of) the last version(s) and the developers probably didn't realize the problem, otherwise they would have changed the mentioned menu.


I agree with you about the TAB use in Word/TextEdit & Co. But what I'm saying is that doesn't look good to modify the behavior for such keystrokes without providing a substitute. I've just submitted a ticket regarding this.

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